Monday, February 15, 2010


As my teen and I begin to move in different directions in life, it becomes increasingly difficult to "connect" with her. I try through fairly normal means of communication - talking, texting, facebooking, watching TV, church, the dinner table, and family gatherings. Unfortunately, when it comes to making difficult decisions in the direction of the family, sometimes it becomes even HARDER to connect!

For the most part, my teen is a "why" kind of person. Tell her your reasons and she is more likely to respond positively. She wants to be prepared for whatever is up and coming in her life. From doctor's visits to ballet classes, she wants her life scheduled and on-track. At least she is this way MOST of the time. Turns out, there are some things she doesn't want to connect with.

When the family decisions cause her to leave her comfort zone, she doesn't want to know the details. Unfortunately, I am having to spend most of my days in the details. So the random phone calls and the topics of conversation are no longer interesting to her. She tunes me out when I am talking about the subject and that seems to be most of the time.

We will get it together. As someone once told me, it is always OK in the end. If it's not OK, it's not the end. Praying the end will get here soon!

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