Thursday, January 28, 2010

Growing Up

From the time my teenager was about 8 or 9, she made it known how much she was NOT looking forward to growing up! I have prodded her several times to find out why she feels this way, and I never get a straight-forward answer.

We were talking this morning on the way to school about some college information she had gotten from the school of her dreams. She made the comment that her best friend sort of "groaned" when she heard what the packet was. I asked her why she groaned, and her answer was "she doesn't want to grow up either."

It's foreign to me to feel this way. I was always ready to be grown up - to do things adults did - to be on my own, independent. I'm not sure what it is she is dreading, but I'm going to keep on prodding until I find out why.

My suspicion is that one of these days she is going to want to do something that she is not quite old enough to do. When that conversation takes place, I will have to remind her that she is the one that didn't want to grow up.

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