Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday Nights

Tuesdays are generally pretty long days for my teenager. School all day and then babysitting a preschool and one elementary aged young boys. Dad took the opportunity for the ride home today while I finished up at work. Maybe he had the coveted conversation with my teenager today.

Dinner was ready when we all got home. Thanks Dad! Dinner conversation was your basic "I like the chicken." "The baked beans are good." "What do I do with the leftovers?" Very boring typical dinner conversation. Oh, and yes, we do still eat dinner together at one table sometimes.

Unfortunately, tonight's conversation did take a detour to a somewhat "awkward" topic. I will not disclose the exact topic of conversation so as to save face for my 14 year old, but suffice it to say "She still gets to see him outside of school, just on different terms."

The rest of our conversation was typical. Questions answered with shrugged shoulders and one word answers. I know she's tired and tomorrow has the opportunity to be better.

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