Monday, January 25, 2010


The ride to school this morning was so very pleasant! Monday mornings are late days and so they are usually a little less stressed with both of us betting a little more sleep.

The conversation this morning made me laugh and smile and really appreciate the person my teenager is becoming. Problem is, I cant' remember it!

I know it was some great content, and I was anxious to post it on this blog, created just to pass on the wonderful conversations we have. But blasted if my memory has completely failed me. I tell the folks I work with "I can't remember past the end of my nose" or "I have the memory of a gnat," but you think I would remember things as precious conversations with a teenager. For Pete's sake, they don't happen every day!

Ah well, maybe it will come to me in a dream tonight. If not, I'll just have to try better tomorrow. Maybe I will record some reminders next time into my Blackberry.

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